I want to add lots of quilting motifs to this project file, but am finding that less is better.
I haven’t got the right colour thread either … though most times I would use a colour which blends in to the background, but try to use more contrast on virtual quilts.
I looked and looked for several minutes until I worked out what was different about the first design.
Finally worked out. It has 36 blocks … an even number across and vertically … something I rarely do in real or virtual designs.
I left my favourite until last today!
There is space for 25 applique blocks, but I left four of them blank for the quilting to shine, though there is a lot of space in the applique blocks in this design for the quilting to show.
Sometimes I have crazy ideas, like what if I select a random collection applique block designs, and a random collection of pieced block designs for a new project file?
So I did … Jeparit Jewels and some 9P stars.
I should have limited the number of designs in each of the block collections, but I didn’t.
After the first design came together I had to add fabric … and based the colours on the applique collection rather than the bright used in the stars.
So far, interesting!
I am not too sure if the shapes of the applique will work well ...